Consistency and convergence of simulation schemes in Information field dynamics
Dupont, M.,
and Enßlin, T.
ArXiv e-prints
We explore a new simulation scheme for partial differential equations (PDE’s) called Information Field Dynamics (IFD). Information field dynamics attempts to improve on existing simulation schemes by incorporating Bayesian field inference, which seeks to preserve the maximum amount of information about the field being simulated. The field inference is truly Bayesian and thus depends on a notion of prior belief. Here, we analytically prove that a restricted subset of simulation schemes in IFD are consistent, and thus deliver valid predictions in the limit of high resolutions. This has not previously been done for any IFD schemes. This restricted subset is roughly analogous to traditional fixed-grid numerical PDE solvers, given the additional restriction of translational symmetry. Furthermore, given an arbitrary IFD scheme modelling a PDE, it is a-priori not obvious to what order the scheme is accurate in space and time. For this subset of models, we also derive an easy rule-of-thumb for determining the order of accuracy of the simulation. As with all analytic consistency analysis, an analysis for nontrivial systems is intractable, thus these results are intended as a general indicator of the validity of the approach, and it is hoped that the results will generalize.